August 3, 2011

The Moment I Became a Mother

I will never forget the moment I became a mother. Such strong emotions surged through my body when I realized I was finally a mother. I think back often on that tender moment when I saw my baby for the first time and was able to hold her. 

Here is how I described the experience in my journal:
 I warned my doctor and my nurse that I would likely become a ball baby when she came. Her head came out and I felt an immediate relief of pressure. Then the rest of her body came out very easily and she was born! Our little girl was born! 
I couldn’t believe it. She was immediately put up on my chest and I started to just ball and the tears came pouring out. A little baby was now on my chest, my little baby. She was crying and I couldn’t believe that this little spirit was mine! 
It was such a different feeling to have her inside of me and now to have her outside of me on my chest and to actually see her. I was just sobbing tears of joy at this point. It was an indescribable feeling to have my baby girl with me finally after the years of waiting for her to join our family. 
I cannot describe the intense emotions that were surging through my body. The tears were flowing from my eyes and I have never felt that kind of joy in my life before. For 8 months this baby was inside of me and while I had seen her on ultrasound, I hadn’t seen her in the flesh with my own eyes. 
To finally see a living being on me, with ten fingers and ten toes and hair and eyes, and ears and hands and legs, was a moment I will never forget. 
My life changed forever in that small moment.        
I kissed [my husband] and I could see tears in his eyes as well. My doctor and my nurse were telling me how well I did and what a good job I did. I got to keep her on my chest for a few minutes then they put her under the warmer to get her dried off and examine her. 
I sat up in the bed and they brought my baby over to me to hold. She was wrapped up and had a little hat on. I held her and started crying again. 
She was the most perfect baby! 
I couldn’t believe that I was actually holding our daughter! It was so surreal. It was the best moment of my life along with the day I married my husband. 
What an incredible experience to go through childbirth. I just couldn’t believe how fast everything had gone and how blessed I was to have such a smooth labor and delivery experience. Everything went perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.

I cannot count the number of times I have read and re-read those words. It brings tears to my eyes every time I read about the moment I became a mother. I want my daughter to know how I felt the first time I saw her, held her, kissed her, snuggled her.

Do you remember what it felt like to become a mother? Have you recorded those thoughts and feelings? What about when you became a mother for the 2nd time, 3rd time, 4th time? What did it feel like the first time you held your child, blood-related or not. Did you adopt? How did it feel to know you were finally the mother of this child?

Write it down. Remember it. Read it. Cherish it. Even if it was years ago, write down anything you remember from those days. You will be grateful you did.

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