So I've used this blog mostly as a way to share some of my crafting ideas and projects, as well as for my Y
outube channel. But I've been feeling prompted lately to take a slightly different direction with my blog. I'm not going to stop blogging about my craft projects or my Youtube videos, but I feel like I want to share a different side of myself.
If you've read the "About Me" section of my blog, then you know that for years we have struggled with infertility. It never goes away, and I mean NEVER. It's with you every day. The day my daughter was born it was with me as I thought about trying to get pregnant the next time. This topic is close to my heart right now because we are a week away from doing our embryo transfer. In layman's terms......we are in the middle of an IVF cycle right now and will be transferring out embryos to my uterus next week in the hopes that they will implant and we will be pregnant. This IVF cycle has been incredibly difficult considering it's our first try after our miscarriage 2 months ago. I never wrote about our miscarriage on this blog, but I will someday.
Do any of you out there struggle with infertility? If so, I'd love to get to know you or hear your stories.