
September 2, 2014

Vintage Pink & Red

I recently posted on my Instagram account this thrift haul I stumbled into. We were on our way home from an appointment and on a whim I decided to run into a thrift store (Deseret Industries) to look around. We don't go thrifting very often, and when we do, I hardly ever come out with anything. I've found that you have to go several times in order to find something one time that's worth buying. That's just me.

Most of my thrifting success has been in the girls' section. I buy a lot of little girl dresses for church for both my girls. Most of them are in almost-new condition and only cost $1-$2.

But this time I hit the mother load. I usually just skim over the women's sections because I haven't found much success in the past in clothing my size. But I stumbled upon the most glorious vintage pleated skirt. It was like-new, no stains, perfect size, beautiful color and print, I couldn't believe it. The price tag? $3!!!! I snatched that thing right up and considered my trip a victory.

Then we headed over to the shoes area where we looked at toddler size shoes for my baby. I also never have success in this area because often the shoes are too worn and too expensive for what you get. But I decided to look anyways. We didn't find anything for my girls, but my eye caught a bright red pair of shoes in the women's shoe isle. I went over and picked up these vintage red and white heels and just about died. Not only were they gorgeous and in very good condition, they were in my size!! They fit me! I couldn't believe my luck. They were the most expensive item I bought that day, ringing in at a whopping $6.        

Once I got home and washed and cleaned everything off, I couldn't wait to pair these two beauties together. I really liked the color combo of the feminine pink skirt with the bold red and white heels. Pink and red isn't usually a combination I wear, but I really liked how it came together this time.  

So there you go ladies, never give up when it comes to thrifting! Just try it, you may be surprised what you come out with.

Top: H&M | Skirt: Thrifted [similar/ similar/ similar/ similar] | Belt: old | Shoes: Chelsea Crew [similar] | Necklace: A Modern Boutique

Can you spot where my 15 month old drew on my skirt with blue crayon?

Shoes: Thrifted [similar/similar]