
August 21, 2014

Albion Basin

July is the annual Wasatch Wildflower Festival so the flowers are pretty amazing if you do this hike in July or August when the wildflowers are in full bloom.
Distance: 0.5 miles each way
Elevation change: the trail was pretty flat with a little up hill, nothing too bad.
Driving Directions: Drive up Little Cottonwood Canyon 8.3 miles to the parking area to the right of the Alta Guard Station at the end of the pavement (by the Albion Basin Campground).

More info: here and here
The trailhead was a little difficult to find. We asked at the guard station and were told to drive down the large hill to the right and park down by some bathrooms and the ski area.

There was a chair lift at the beginning that the kids liked sitting and climbing on.

We had a large hiking group this time! So much fun to have lots of little kids hiking together.

There were 9 moms, 1 dad (he's taking the picture), and 15 kids (3 boys and 12 girls). All the kids are age 4 or younger.

The wildflowers were pretty amazing. Just beautiful!

Hard to believe there is still snow on the mountains when it was 103 degrees the day before in the valley!


 Time for a snack at the top! When I say "top" I really mean the open meadow.

I asked my friend to take our picture and we didn't even get ONE good one out of like 20! Eliza would not smile, and I was blinking in half of them. Oh well.......


Aaaaand she's out! Fell asleep right at the end.

I had been saving this hike for July when the wildflowers were out and it did not disappoint! I highly recommend this hike!