
About Mommy Vignettes

I often like to envision my life as a storybook, with different chapters and themes throughout the book. Some chapters have many pages, some have just a few. Some chapters leave you hanging so you don't know what is coming next.

Mommy Vignettes allows me to write about brief 'scenes' or chapters from my life. While only a glimpse at a time, together these 'vignettes' make up my entire storybook. Some chapters are happier than others, more interesting, but all of them are necessary to make my story complete.

Journaling has always been an outlet for me to express my feelings, emotions, trials, joys, and pros and cons to difficult decisions that have had to be made. I have found throughout the years that sometimes when I write about seemingly unimportant moments in my life, in hindsight those moments are worth much more than I ever thought.

Those small moments mean everything to me. They make me who I am. And so I keep writing about those small moments.

I want to share some of these small moments in the hopes that they will resonate with others.

Mommy Vignettes allows me to share some of the projects I tackle, interesting books I find, thoughts on infertility and mothering, and my day to day joys and struggles.

I also love to connect with people. I enjoy finding out other people's perspectives. Please share your thoughts and ideas with me as well! I can learn a lot from you.